
The South Africa pavilion at COP 25 is hosted by the National Business Initiative (NBI) and is a partnership project between the South African private sector and national government, specifically the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries.

This year's pavilion has been designed to reflect South Africa's story of a just transition and all accompanying complexities and opportunities.

The pavilion features a lounge area, events space, media corner, 2 wall sized infographic displays, and an interactive app that allows you to explore several climate change scenarios that our country faces.

Scroll down for more information on the NBI climate change app or click the button below for more information on the events we're hosting over the next two weeks.

Check out our App!

We created an app that visualises climate change scenarios for South Africa and illustrates the impacts of various temperature increases change on biodiversity, agriculture and people.

The app is called: NBI Climate Mapp.

Click on the image to the left for guidelines on how to download and make full use of the app, including its unique virtual and augmented reality features!

A full reference list is available on the last tab of the app.